Karlyn - once again thank you for your leadership with this societal contagion.

Friday's video was a doozie with many lessons learned - I'm leaning towards starting a substack --stay tuned

btw, I replied to Joseph, hit post & it went poof...

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disregard the btw -- the post is there

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There is no such thing as a queer Christian, since that would be like sayiing "I'm a Marxist Christian." The two beliefs are incompatible with each other.

Discounting the verses in Genesis where the Bible talked about Man and Woman he made them.

And for man a woman shall leave her father and for a woman a man shall leave his mother, and the two will become one.

Jesus was a man, he's described as the son, he's described as being the son of god.

Christ was a teacher, a preacher, and a bit of racist, as evidenced by how he treated the gentile woman at the well.

Christ would have approached the trans and queer ideologies with a casting out of the demons.

The damned Marxists need to stop trying to push their twisted religion on everyone else. We don't want to live like that.

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With respect, here's few thoughts on a few of your points Joseph:

- Jesus, God the Son, referred to Himself as "The Son of Man," below God the Father & who He relied upon for the power to teach & heal while on Earth.

- Jesus is NOT a bit of a racist nor would He approach trans & queers as demons. Recall Mary Magdalene & the guys who wanted to stone her to death (I always wondered what Jesus wrote in the dirt). Jesus' nature and teaching is His ubiquitous love & grace for everyone. Plus He hates racism-we are all His masterpiece, made in His image.

- Going down the racist/demonic rabbit hole kills our ability to share God's love & turns others off. Just saying, in love

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